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葉問4:完結篇 Ip Man 4: The Finale : The Ip Man Legacy (2019)

主演: 甄子丹、吳樾、吳建豪及史考特·艾金斯、鄭則仕、陳國坤、克里斯·柯林斯

Cast : Donnie Yen, Wu Yue, Vanness Wu, Scott Adkins, Kent Cheng, Danny Chan, Chris Collins

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

《葉問4:完結篇》1964年,葉問自從妻子張永成病逝後,陪次子葉正在香港過著簡單的生活,某天卻被醫院診斷出他身患癌症。葉正 當天剛好因多次在學校打架而被退學,使不瞭解事情經過的葉問與兒子的關係日漸惡化。葉問在醫院巧遇原先天台拳館鄰居家的小孩,得 知他剛赴美留學回港工作,於是心中打定主意要安排兒子赴美唸書。當時葉問的徒弟李小龍已在美國舊金山成立武館,他的一位美國人徒 弟比利赴香港,為葉問送上李小龍邀請葉問至舊金山觀賽的機票,葉問馬上動身前往舊金山,啟程前委託老友肥波幫忙照看兒子,並約定 每晚十點必會打長途電話回家。

葉問抵達舊金山後受華人移民梁根的協助,準備從唐人街中華總會會長萬宗華手上取得兒子入學所需的推薦信,但萬宗華等一眾武術師傅, 都不滿李小龍打破唐人街慣例、開武館教授洋人武術,聲言葉問若不說服李小龍收手則不給予推薦信。葉問決定想其他方法,在國際空手 道大會上目睹李小龍大放異彩,李小龍答應會委託他的律師徒弟幫忙寫推薦信,隨後在徒弟面前單靠一人打敗公然挑釁他的一群當地武術 家。葉問備妥資料前往當地學校跟校長會面,得知校方只接受中華總會的手信,除非贊助學校一萬美元就能免除信件並立即讓葉正入學。 回香港後,葉問跟葉正和解,並答應尊重兒子的決定並教授他詠春拳,最後提議兒子用錄像機錄下他打木人樁的全過程作為傳承。直到1972 年時,葉問因頭頸癌逝世,終年79歲,李小龍親自前往告別式致意。自2001年起,美國海軍陸戰隊正式將中國武術列為必修訓練課程。

Ip Man 4: The Finale : In 1964, Ip Man is diagnosed with throat cancer due to his history of chronic smoking. After his rebellious son Ip Ching fights back against a bully and is subsequently expelled from school, Ip Man decides to travel to San Francisco in order to look for study opportunities. After Ching and his father get into a heated argument that ends with the elder Ip slapping his son, he decides to entrust Ching to his friend, Fat Bo.

Ip arrives in San Francisco, where his student Bruce Lee has upset the local martial arts community by opening a kung fu school, teaching non-Chinese people martial arts, and writing an English-language book on martial arts.[5] He discovers from his reporter friend Liang Gen that, because he is a foreigner, a referral letter from the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association is needed to enroll Ching into an American school. Tai Chi master/CBA chairman Wan Zhoungwa refuses to write the letter as Ip is unbothered by Lee's actions, whereas the other grandmasters display open contempt. An epilogue shows Lee paying respect to Ip at his funeral. Onscreen text states that Ip succumbed to his cancer in 1972 at the age of 79 and that the Marines officially incorporated Chinese martial arts into their training by inviting Chinese martial artists to come to the base to train them starting in 2001.



葉問外傳:張天志 Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy (2018)

主演: 張晉(Max Zhang)/楊紫瓊(Michelle Yeoh)/戴夫巴蒂斯塔(Dave Bautista)/東尼嘉(Tony Jaa)/周秀娜/鄭嘉穎/譚耀文/釋彥能/姜皓文

Cast : Max Zhang, Liu Yan, Chrissie Chau, Michelle Yeoh, Kevin Cheng, Dave Bautista

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

《葉問外傳:張天志》是講述由張晉飾演的張天志被葉問打敗之後,過著一段非常頹廢的日子,在一次機緣巧合下救了由柳岩飾演的酒吧街老大趙金虎的妹妹趙明茱(茱姐) 及由周秀娜飾演的鄭小娜(娜娜),在酒吧街眾人協助下重新振作起來。過程間開罪由楊紫瓊飾演的黑幫大家姐曹雁君(君姐)及由鄭嘉穎飾演的曹世傑(傑少),更發現 在Dave Bautista飾演的西餐廳老闆Owen Davidson和善的形象背後,原來有著一個驚天大陰謀.......

Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy tells the story that after Cheung Tin Chi (Max Zhang) is defeated by Ip Man, he leads a desperate and wasted life. By accident, he rescues Julia (Liu Yan), the sister of Bar Street’s master Chiu Kam Fu, and Nana (Chrissie Chau). With the help of the friends on Bar Street, Tin Chi gets back on his feet again. However, he gets himself into troubles with head of local gangster Tso Ngan Kwan (Michelle Yeoh) and her brother Tso Sai Kit (Kevin Cheng). He also finds out a conspiracy behind the friendly mask of the owner of the western restaurant Owen Davidson (Dave Bautista).



葉問3 Ip Man 3 (2015)

主演: 甄子丹/張晉/熊黛林/譚耀文/Mike Tyson

Cast: Donnie Yen, Lynn Xiong, Jin Zhang, Mike Tyson

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

故事背景為1959年的香港,本劇伊始,葉問面對李小龍來拜師,心中想接受他,但因李小龍誤會而離去,未有進一步地教學。 葉問的次子葉正在香港的志仁國小求學,由於葉正與同學張峯在學校「切磋武術」的關係,葉問得以認識張峯的父親張天志。 張天志是葉問同門的詠春拳高手,他跟葉問都是贊先生一門,算是同門師兄弟。張的夢想是開武館,所以他白天當人力車車夫, 夜裏去費蘭奇的拳賽俱樂部中打拳參賽,由於武藝精湛,幾乎每晚都能打勝,並以此謀生。 最後,在妻子的陪伴下,葉問來到張天志的武館展開三場終極對決,分別是棍法、刀法、拳法,棍法一戰,雙方不分高下,刀法一戰也沒有分出勝負, 但葉問略佔上風。在最後一輪的拳法對決時,兩方激烈打鬥中張天志擊中了葉問的眼睛,但葉問選擇用詠春聽橋的方式繼續搏鬥, 最後張的肚子中了葉問二記重拳(寸擊手),張天志服輸,並親手打爛了「詠春正宗」牌匾。

In 1959, Ip Man is settling into his low-profile life in Hong Kong. A young Bruce Lee visits Ip and asks to become one of his students, saying he would be his greatest disciple. After Lee demonstrates his speed, Ip neither accepts nor rejects him, but insinuates for him to leave by opening the door. After Ip Ching gets into a fight with his schoolmate, Cheung Fung, their teacher, Miss Wong, asks the parents to come to the school, t hough only the Ips arrive. As an apology, the Ip family invite Cheung Fung to their home for dinner. At Ip's house, Cheung Fung displays rudimentary yet impressive Wing Chun skills. When Ip asks the boy who his mentor is, he says that it is his father, Cheung Tin-chi, a poor rickshaw puller who shows up to pick up his son shortly after. Although he interacts cordially with Ip Man, he secretly envies Ip's wealth and popularity and seeks to surpass him, participating successfully in underground fights to earn extra money. Cheung, with the money he obtained from Ma earlier, opens his martial arts school, and claims that his Wing Chun is genuine while Ip's is not. Cheung proceeds to build his reputation by defeating a number of martial arts masters. Finally, he challenges Ip to a battle that will decide who is the true Grandmaster of Wing Chun.



葉問:終極一戰 Ip Man: The Final Fight (2013)

主演: 黃秋生/袁詠儀/曾志偉/陳小春

Cast: Anthony Wong, Anita Yuen, Eric Tsang, Gillian Chung, Jiang Lu-Xia, Jordan Chan, Timmy Hung

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

1949年,患有長期胃病的葉問(黃秋生 飾)隻身來港謀生,得一班新收徒弟照顧,在港九飯店職工總會天台開始教授詠春。其中當差的鄧聲(陳小春 飾) 因鎮壓工人罷工,被逼與同門師弟妹梁雙(洪天明 飾)、李瓊(蔣璐霞 飾)、陳四妹(鍾欣潼 飾)等為敵。期間,葉妻張永成(袁詠儀 飾)從佛山來港團聚, 可惜香港生活太艱難,來了又還,未料夫妻從此永別。即使生活捉襟見肘,這位一代宗師卻從未折腰,《葉問:終極一戰》還原最真實的葉問,把他在香港的中、 晚年生活如實呈現──包括妻死後他不顧徒弟反對,與紅顏知己的一段緣,他與長子葉準之間亦父亦師的父子情,及其對晉身成國際武打巨星的徒弟李小龍的一些 看法等。

Ip Man: The Final Fight portrays a more realistic account of Ip Man's life in Hong Kong. He struggles against the vicissitudes of life and has to cope with his gastric pain. He also insists on having a relationship with the singer Jenny after his wife's death, even though his students strongly object to it. He also gets into conflict with Ng Chung, a White Crane Style master, but they become friends later. When Wong Tung gets into trouble with a mob boss called Local Dragon, Ip Man and his students show up and rescue Wong. Ip Man also defeats Local Dragon in a fight, captures him, and hands him over to the police. After the fight, he briefly meets Bruce Lee and Lee's two students.



一代宗師 The Grand Masters (2013)

主演: 梁朝偉/章子怡/張震/宋慧喬/張晉/趙本山/小瀋陽/王慶祥

Cast: Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, Ziyi Zhang, Jin Zhang, Max Zhang

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

由銀都機構有限公司出品,澤東電影公司製作,王家衛執導,匯聚梁朝偉、章子怡、張震、宋慧喬等國際巨星主演的《一代宗師》,是導演王家衛籌劃及拍攝8年的武術鉅製, 講述由梁朝偉飾演的詠春拳宗師「葉問」的傳奇一生。章子怡及張震分別出演八卦掌及八極門宗師,韓國女星宋慧喬則飾演葉問妻子。 導演王家衛為了籌拍《一代宗師》,? 跨中港台南北東西各地、拜訪了包括詠春、八卦、太極、洪拳、鶴拳等超過100位武學大師,希望能找出武術的真正精神。而梁朝偉、章子怡、 張震及宋慧喬在名師指導下全力習武苦練,成為萬眾影迷最為期待的 2013 年鉅獻。

The Grand Master, the story of martial-arts master Ip Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee. The film will star Tony Leung Chiu-wai in the title role. Zhang Ziyi, Chang Chen, Song Hye-kyo and Zhao Benshan are also confirmed.The actors have training in Wing Chun and other martial arts styles with Yuen Woo-ping's stunt team for a couple of months. Their preparation hit a setback in 2009 when Leung broke his left arm during training but he has since recovered.Gong Li and Brigitte Lin were rumoured to star but nothing came of this. Before anyone complains that Wong Kar-wai is jumping on the Yip Man bandwagon after the recent film, be aware that WKW has been planning the film for nearly ten years.



葉問前傳 The Legend is Born - Ip Man (2010)

主演: 杜宇航、陳嘉桓、樊少皇、關智斌、 洪金寶(Sammo Hung)、葉准、元彪、 張繼聰(Louis Cheung)

Cast: Dennis To Yue-Hong, Rose Chan Ka-Wun, Bernice Liu, Crystal Huang Yi, Fan Siu-Wong, Lam Suet, Sammo Hung, Yip Chun, Yuen Biao

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

佛山童年葉問和義兄葉天賜及小師妹李美慧一同跟隨詠春宗師陳華順門下學習詠春拳。未久,陳華順去世後,葉問即跟隨掌門師兄吳仲素繼續學習詠春拳。 其後葉問選擇暫別師兄葉天賜、師妹李美慧及一眾武館師兄弟,獨自到香港求學。當中葉問更被外籍人士侮辱、歧視,其間葉問遇上第三位詠春師父梁璧(陳華順的師父梁贊之兒子)。 葉問得梁璧傳授各種詠春功夫,大大提升詠春水平。其後葉問學業有成,返回家鄉與佛山副市長的女兒張永成相戀卻遇到重重障礙,那一邊廂的天賜原來一早已背負着一個重大任務,與此同時, 大師兄吳仲素發現了葉問習得梁璧的詠春拳而偏離陳華順所強調之正宗詠春。因門戶觀念下,兩人對是否應該堅守「正宗」這觀念有着重大分歧。

As a child, Ip Man learns Wing Chun from Chan Wah-shun together with Ip Tin-chi (Ip Man's adopted brother) and Lee Mei-wai. After Chan's death from an illness, Ip Man continues to learn Wing Chun from his senior, Ng Chung-sok, before eventually leaving Foshan to study in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, after a field hockey match, Ip Man and his schoolmates are racially insulted by a Westerner. Ip Man takes offence to the language. The Westerner then slurs them in Chinese. Ip Man challenges the Westerner to a fight and defeats him. Ip Man's notoriety and popularity soar after the incident. While getting medicine to treat the Westerner whom he now refers to as a friend, he meets master Leung Bik, who is actually the son of Leung Jan, Chan Wah-shun's teacher. Ip Man learns a different, improved style of Wing Chun from Leung and his prowess in martial arts improves tremendously.



葉問2 Ip Man2 (2010)

主演: 甄子丹/黃曉明/鄭則仕/任達華/熊黛林/杜宇航/敖嘉年

Cast: Donnie Yen, Fan Siu-Wong, Huang Xiaoming, Kent Cheng, Lo Meng, Lynn Hung, Sammo Hung, Simon Yam, Christian Kang Bachini

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

中日戰爭期間,葉問 (甄子丹) 以雙拳捍衛了中國人的尊嚴,不惜開罪日本皇軍逃離佛山。戰爭結束後,葉家三口於佛山生活艱難,葉問於是在1949年帶同妻兒前往香港建 立新的家園。 葉問一家初來香港,幸得到在報館當主編的梁根 (敖嘉年) 借出天台予其教授詠春。一名青年黃樑 (黃曉明)帶同數名西洋拳師兄一同向葉問拜師,葉問就此在香港收 得第一批徒弟。

During the Sino-Japanese War, Ip Man (Donnie Yen) protected the dignity of Chinese by his wushu (martial art). As he had beaten the Japanese army and made them mad, he had to escape. After the war, the family lived in Foshan and experienced hardship. Ip therefore went to Hong Kong to start a new page with his family in 1949. Ip’s family arrived Hong Kong. Fortunate enough to have Leung Kan (Pierre Ngo), the chief editor of a newspaper, lending his roof to him for teaching Wing Chun there. A young man Wong Leung (Huang Xiao Ming) gathered a few of his boxing friends and asked Ip to be their master. Ip then had his first group of pupil. "



葉問 Ip Man (2008)

主演: 甄子丹/任達華/林家棟/樊少皇/池內博之/黃又南

Cast: Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Siu-Wong Fan, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Lynn Hung

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

以金山找(樊少皇飾)為首的北方武師,為了在佛山揚名立萬,遂狠狠挫下各派館主。金山找為搏得佛山市民的認同,決意挑戰不問世事的葉問,且不惜一切逼葉問出手。葉問在妻子 張永成(熊黛林飾)的鼓勵下毅然出手,以熟練的詠春拳大勝金山找。經此一役,佛山掀起了熾盛的詠春熱潮。 好景不常,中日戰爭爆發,佛山淪陷,葉家大宅被日軍強佔,葉問被 迫帶著妻兒移居廢屋。葉問一家生活艱苦,但葉問仍積極面對,一改闊少的態度,到煤炭廠當苦力,自力更生。眾中國人默默耕耘之際,一批日軍卻前前來生事,陪伴著日軍主任 佐騰旁邊的翻譯官,竟是昔日的佛山巡警李釗(林家棟飾)......

Ip Man is adapted from the life story of Ip Man, the grand master of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and sifu (master) of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. Wing Chun has a history of more than 200 years. It was founded by Yim Wing Chun, took root in the hands of Leung Chun, and prospered with Ip Man. The art of Wing Chun has now become very popular with martial arts enthusiasts, especially overseas. It is a traditional Chinese martial art with a formidable reputation internationally...... "



詠春 Wing Chun (1994)


Cast : Michelle Yeoh, Donnie Yen, King-Tan Yuen

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

詠春(楊紫瓊飾)年輕時長得漂亮靈秀,惹來惡霸逼婚,她不甘委身,遂拜高人習武,將惡霸打退。鄰鎮富戶黃學州(李子雄飾)看上詠春,對她展開追求。詠春姑姑芳姑(苑瓊丹飾) 自見黃學州後,即芳心暗許,誓要將他據為己有。詠春從山賊手中救回萬艷娘(洪欣飾),芳姑並將艷娘打扮成新一代的豆腐西施以招徠顧客。詠春在童年時訂親的梁博滔(甄子丹飾) 千里迢迢來找詠春。山賊頭領猴子夜闖豆腐店擄艷娘,詠春教訓他並將其閹廢。山賊大王猩猩,為猴子報仇,率領所有山賊入鎮,搶走萬艷娘。詠春為救艷娘與博滔闖入山寨,大戰淫賊猩猩……

A bully force to marry Wing Chun since she was pretty, however Wing refuse and beat down the buly by her supreme Kung-Fu. Wing Saved a beautiful widow, Charmy, from bandits. Wing's Aunt Fong dressed Charmy and named her Miss Soya bean to attract customer to her Soya Bean Store. At this moment Bandit Monkey breaks in the store to catch Charmy. In order to save Charmy, Wing challenged Monkey and castrated him. The bandit, Chimpanzee led bandits to get revenge, then Wing And her fiancee Leung fight with Chimpanzee.... "



敗家仔 The Prodigal Son (1982)


Cast : Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Lam Ching Ying, Frankie Chan

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

洪金寶以功夫片起家,1981年由洪金寶自導自演的香港經典的功夫電影《敗家仔》,鸁得第二屆香港電影金像獎的最近動作設計。這套電影充滿民間色彩和風味,影片拍攝的地方是佛山為背景,演繹中國功夫傳奇人物黃飛鴻的外篇故事—得意門生梁贊的成長故事。主要演員有陳勳奇、洪金寶、林正英和元彪。 佛山的富家獨子梁贊,自少得到父親的溺愛。梁贊的父親以重酬聘名師傳授武藝,並命僕人易通財以金錢賄賂被擊倒者。梁贊的友人大少文因調戲本為男兒身的花旦梁二娣,被梁二娣戲弄,狼狽找梁贊出頭。梁贊自以為功夫了得,直至遇上戲劇花旦梁二娣,當頭棒喝梁贊所學全非實學,才令梁贊頓然覺醒。梁贊後來明白武者的觀念而學得一身好功夫。

Two of Hong Kong cinema's greatest action luminaries, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, star in the 1982 classic period kung fu flick The Prodigal Son. Also directed by Sammo Hung, the film is an action-packed coming-of-age account of Foshan legend Leung Jan, master of the Wing Chun martial arts style. Considered one of the best traditional martial arts films of all time, The Prodigal Son is also one of the first films to truly showcase Wing Chun on screen, not to mention the high-kicking, fist-flying prowess of Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Frankie Chan, and the late Lam Ching Ying, who is best known for the Mr. Vampire series. Martial arts aficionado Leung Jan (Yuen Biao) has never lost a fight thanks to his wealthy protective parents who pay off all his opponents. When Leung Jan is easily beaten by visiting Chinese opera troupe artist Leung Yee Tai (Lam Ching Ying), he finally realizes his previous martial arts training has been all a sham. Leung Jan decides to join the opera troupe to learn real kung fu, but bloody tragedy soon befalls the troupe after Yee Tai inadvertently crosses some Manchu officials. Studying under Yee Tai and Wong Wa Po (Sammo Hung), Leung Jan must master the art of Wing Chun.



贊先生與找錢華 Warriors Two (1978)


Cast : Ka-Yan Leung, Casanova Wong, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Lam Ching Ying

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

找錢華與詠春傳人梁與詠春傳人梁贊徒弟肥春為友,一天發現七名神祕大漢進村,原來欲行刺村長控制全村,其母更遭殺害,華求贊收為徒,習武報仇遭拒,幸得春竟施計相助,贊後亦因中伏身, 找錢華,肥春決直搗虎穴

Mr. Tsang is the fifth generation master of the Wing Chun school of martial art. His student Fatty is a fallure as a street hawker. Who has a friend; Wah, a cashier at Mo money exchange. One day has seven strangers come to town know and plan to kill the twon chief in order to help Mo, Wah discovers the plot by chance and those ppl try to take over Fushan …



少林與詠春 (飛虎相爭) Stranger from Shaolin (Fist Of Flying Tiger) (1977)

主演:黃杏秀(Wong Hang Sau), Kao Kang, Lo Jun Ku

Cast : Cecilia Wong Hang Sau, Sun Jung Chi, Thompson Kao Kang, Bruce Lai (Chang Il-do)

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

這部1977年拍攝的《少林與詠春》(又名飛虎相爭)描述的就如我們所知的師祖嚴詠春的故事一般,但片裡展現了許多詠春拳練習的器械及方法, 除了三套拳、八斬刀外還有如籐圈、一般木人樁,甚至有以粗大樹木,樁手較長的木人樁(這在越南的詠春拳有看到過), 秀姑在影片中的詠春拳表現也很到位,在那個沒有特效技術的年代來說,那時拍武打片,都一定要有些功夫底子,對於以 「江湖俠女」著稱的黃杏秀,更不是問題。在看過有關詠春的電影中,黃杏秀扮演的嚴詠春一直是不二人選。

When her entire family is killed by the occupying Manchus, Yim Wing Chun narrowly escapes to the Shaolin Temple. Disguised as a man, she persuades the abbot to let her stay. Wing Chun begins to teach herself Kung Fu, from secretly watching the abbot. The other monks soon realize that she is not quite the man she says she and support her mission for revenge against the Manchus.

少林與詠春 (飛虎相爭)


詠春截拳 The Story of the Dragon (1976)


Cast : Ho Tsung-Tao, Carter Huang Chia-Ta,Hwang Jang-Lee, Dan Schwarz,Roy Horan,Chin Chi-Min, Wu Yen

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

Bruce Li plays a young kung fu expert (and waiter) who is trying to live peacefully in San Francisco with his marital arts-challenged friend. But they run afoul of some American thugs, and the fight is on...right!



洪拳與詠春 Shaolin Martial Arts (1974)


Cast : Sheng Fu, Kuan-Chun Chi, Yi Ling Chen, Ka-Yan Leung,

內容簡介 (Synopsis)

《洪拳與詠春》由武俠大導張徹執導,唐佳及劉家良任武術指導,故事依練功、破功的情節發展,講述為清廷效力的八旗武館為對付少林子弟,特請來高手巴剛(梁家仁)與余比(王龍威) 踢平林贊田師父的少林武館。從武館僥倖逃生者,僅有麥漢(唐炎燦)、陳保榮(戚冠軍)、李耀(傅聲)和何振剛(劉家輝)。他們急往深山向林贊田師父求助,林遂派麥與何跟鷹爪王學 「趟地鷹爪功」及「大力鷹爪功」,望破巴之「鐵布衫」及余之氣功。可惜麥、何學成後與巴、余對戰不敵身亡。林再派李、陳練虎鶴雙形拳和詠春拳……

Take Chang Cheh as director. Liu Chia-liang and Tang Chia as choreographers. Star Alexander Fu Sheng. Introduce international Shaolin monk icon Gordon Liu Chia-hui in his first role. And then add relevatory training sequences in the Eagle Claw, Hung Hsi Kuan, and Yung Chun schools of kung-fu. The result? An epic for the record books and a must for any martial arts movie fan.


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